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Members More Trusting About Vaccine

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Welcome to Topretirements Best Places Newsletter for October 7. Thanks to the 500+ generous folks who took last week's Covid Activities Poll. You can read the detailed report, which shows Topretirements Members as more trusting and careful than the general population (thank heavens!), from the link below.

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The 6 Sunniest Places to Retire in the U.S.!

Are you dreaming of retiring in a sun-drenched spot? In this post, we highlight some of the best states for sunshine and provide recommendations for active adult communities within these sunny states.

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10 Affordable Places to Retire in the Southwest

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Nevada Mini-Retirement Guide

This southwest state is growing fast, and many of the newcomers are retirees looking for sun and fun. Nevada is one of America's tax-friendliest, with no income tax. Check out what you need to know about retirement here in this Mini-Guide to NV Retirement!

Coronavirus Vaccine and Activity Poll Results: Caution and Trust Mix

People of retirement age are more likely to take a coronavirus vaccine than younger people, and that is even more true of our Members and Visitors. That is just one of the ways we differ from other folks. Topretirements Members Are Different>> 

FInd Your Best Place to Retire

Workcampers in Demand

Tens of thousands of retirees live on the road now. They travel around the country in their vans and RVs, and often get to stay free where they work. In January many of them head to Quartzsite, AZ to find jobs and community. More >>


Woodstock, Vermont

This beautiful state has some great small towns and villages, and this is one of them. Thanks to its rich cultural offerings it is popular with summer residents and retirees. It has been called one of the most beautiful towns in America.  More>>

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